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Event Details

    HSAs, HDHPs and HRAs: Current Law and Proposed Expansions

    Date: February 16, 2017, 7:30am – 9:30am
    Sarah Champion, VP of Programs/President-Elect
    C.I. Shenanigans
    3017 Ruston Way
    Tacoma, WA 98402
    SHRM Member Pre-Paid - $25 / Non-Member Pre-Paid $30 / Walk-Ins - $35 / VIP ANNUAL PASS Rate $20
    Event Type:
    2017 SPS SHRM Breakfast Chapter Meeting
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    SPS SHRM is happy to introduce:

    Lisa Klinger, J.D. from Leavitt Group

    with a presentation on:

    "HSAs, HDHPs and HRAs:  Current Law and Proposed Expansions"

    Topics covered include:

    • Explanation of current rules on HDHPs, HSAs and HRAs
    • HSA expansions President Trump and Republicans have proposed  
    • Recent HRA expansions in 21st Century Cures Act:  Qualified Small Employer Health Reimbursement Accounts (QSEHRAs)

    2017 HRCI Pre-Approved



    1.0 General Credit approved through HRCI & SHRM




    About The Speaker: For 32 years, Lisa has specialized in employee benefits and employment law:  from the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (PPACA) to ERISA, HIPAA Privacy & Security, Leave Laws, and California state insurance and employment law.  Since 2010 she has focused on Health Care Reform—analyzing the effect of PPACA on employers, and helping employers and brokers understand what PPACA and its regulations require.   Over the years Lisa has written benefits bulletins and articles; advised clients on benefits compliance; drafted privacy and security policies; conducted internal training; and has been a frequent speaker at benefits conferences.  Since 2014 Lisa has been a volunteer with Compassion and Choices, and in 2016 has done many presentations on the California End of Life Option Act. 

    Register and Pre-Pay for Early Bird Discount!

    Would you like to lock-in the lowest registration rate for all 2017 SPS SHRM Chapter Meetings? Check out our  NEW VIP Annual Pass available to all current SPS SHRM members. Available now through March 31, 2017. 

    Information on Registration: Please be sure to register and pre-pay on or before the close of business on Monday, February 13th (4:00pm) to be eligible for the early bird discount ($10.00) and to assist us in ensuring that we have an adequate number of hand-outs as well as enough space and food for all our guests. Late registrations must register at the meeting and pay the walk-in rate at the door.