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    Chapter Event - Controlling Healthcare Costs The Easy Way with Tyson Fuehrer!

    Date: July 15, 2021, 8:00am – 9:30am
    South Puget Sound SHRM
    Online: You will receive a link to the event in your confirmation email upon registration.
    $10 for Students; $20 for Members; $40 for Non-Members
    Event Type:
    2021 Chapter Meetings
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    Please welcome

    Tyson Fuehrer


    Biggs Insurance Company


    Controlling Healthcare Costs The Easy Way


    Site of care has been in the news a lot lately, meaning where do you go to get (appropriate) care. There is significant differences, for example surgeries, in the costs and quality. The challenge is members don't want to be the medical expert and negotiate with their provider on where they should receive services. A proactive care management program can manage the doctor's prior authorization without the member needing to be involved and reduce claims costs by 400%.

    Member outreach is also great solution, but this happens after the prior authorization occurs and requires the member to respond, essentially being the expert. We will present the rate of success of member outreach and top notch care management programs, plus what you need to do within a plan document to break the cost curves.

      Learning Objectives:

      Participants will be able to:

      • Understand what is site of care and how care management impacts this during the prior authorization 

      • How to build a plan including improved site of care programs 

      • Statistical difference between member outreach programs and care management

      1.0 Credit approved through SHRM & HRCI


      About the Speaker:

      Tyson Fuehrer

      Tyson Fuehrer speaks with business leaders every day, and to one degree or another, Tyson has found that they are all facing the same issues: organizations struggle to attract and retain quality employees, they have difficulty engaging the workers they do have, and/or they need help managing existing healthcare costs. 

      Tyson is the Executive Vice President - Life & Health + Compliance with Biggs Insurance Services. He graduated from Portland State University with a Bachelor of Science in Health Education. Tyson was also honored as one of Vancouver’s Accomplished and Under 40, by the Vancouver Business Journal in 2016. 

      **There is limited seating; Late Registrations/Walk-ins may be limited based on number of preregistered.