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SHRM Foundation News: Key Findings from SHRM Foundation-Funded Studies

    January 6, 2012


    The SHRM Foundation supports researchers who bring us greater understanding of the complexities of HR. During the past three years, the Foundation has funded more than $1.6 million in research grants for studies that advance the knowledge base of the profession.

    The SHRM Foundation is also committed to creating materials that explain how practitioners can capitalize on the new knowledge that research provides.

    The HR Research Results brochure presents the results of recent SHRM Foundation-funded projects in an actionable way, so HR professionals can apply this knowledge in their organizations. The topic areas are: Is There a Business Case for Work-Family Programs?; Promoting Effective Engagement and Retention of the Aging American Workforce; Keeping the Most Experienced Employees by Deferring Retirement and Building Team Resilience: Lessons Learned from College Sports Coaches. Contact the SHRM Foundation at 703-535-6020 to request a printed copy, or download a .pdf free from the SHRM Foundation website.