SHRM Foundation News: Educational DVDs
The SHRM Foundation has created a series of educational DVDs that feature real-world case studies of successful companies that align HR strategy with corporate business objectives. The DVDs are distributed free of charge to SHRM chapters, educators and businesses. The SHRM Foundation also offers a discussion guide and powerpoint presentation for use in SHRM chapter programming, staff trainings, or executive education sessions. The HR Certification Institute has approved many of the DVDs for one hour of credit, when used with the companion materials as part of a 1-hour educational session (see the Foundation website for details).
The Foundation’s newest DVD, Doing Well by Doing Good: Global Sustainability at Aditya Birla Group describes the Aditya Birla Group’s ongoing investment in social and economic development in the communities in which they operate.
Other DVDs include Once the Deal is Done: Making Mergers Work, an inside look at the successful merger of Bupa Australia, now the nation's largest privately managed health care health insurance group.World Economic Forum: Creating Global Leaders, Seeing Forward, which focuses on succession planning at 3M; Trust Travels: The Starbucks Story; Ethics: The Fabric of Business (profiling Lockheed Martin); Fueling the Talent Engine: Finding and Keeping High Performers (profiling Yahoo!); and HR In Alignment: The Link to Business Results (profiling Sysco Food Services Company). The DVDs are available for viewing online.
For more information about the DVDs, visit the "SHRM Foundation Products" section of the SHRM Foundation's website at The DVD series is made possible by your tax-deductible contributions to the SHRM Foundation.